Hi BVC’ers!! Have you ever had to face someone who intimidated you? Or someone who got “under your skin?” Those can be very stressful times (especially if it is your boss). Often we struggle over what the best solution is to this type of problem. Some people think if they offer the least form of resistance, everything will be ok. Some people have actually quit their job thinking that they would be free. From 1990-2003, Sandra Gardner (now with the Lord) was my secretary and she used to have a saying: “If you don’t face your giants in one place, they will pop up in another.” I’ve found her saying to be very true over the years. So what’s the solution? First, seek wise counsel. Second, don’t be afraid to trust the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6). Third, speak up for yourself. Often these type of personalities who threaten you are very insecure people…but they do respect people who speak up and defend themselves. Bottling up stress is not a good thing…so learn how to give it over to the Lord through prayer (Philippians 4:6-7) and leave the results in His hands. Conduct yourself as a humble believer and you’ll be surprised what God can do!! This coming Sunday will be “3 Traits” taken from Colossians 1:3-8. Colossians is going to be a great series of messages … we’ll be exhorted to remember some very basic and elementary facts that will transform our lives. Also coming up this Sunday will be the debut of our classes. Jerett Olson will be leading “Fundamentals of the Faith” in the Blue Room of the house at 9 a.m. There is still a spot or two open if you’d like to become part of this class. My class on “Discipleship” will also begin at 9 a.m. in my office and I have a spot or two open as well. “Evangelism Training” will also begin at 12:30 p.m. in the Worship Center (and be led by Raud de Silva). Finally, Jim Stone’s class is moving from the Blue Room in the house to the Fireplace Room (also in the house). I’m looking forward to seeing many of you involved in these classes!! This next Wednesday, September 23, we’re going back to the 2nd Harvest Food Bank. I haven’t heard of anyone needing to carpool, so plan on meeting at 2nd Harvest (4001 N. First Street) by 5:45 p.m. If this is your first time, you’ll need to fill out some paperwork. We start at 6 p.m. and we’re done by 8 p.m. Looking forward to seeing you there!! October 31, from 5-8 p.m., will be our COMMUNITY FAMILY FESTIVAL. This is going to be a great night — and I hope you’re planning to not only come but also participate in helping the various booths, games, and food areas. Raud de Silva is the point person! OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD is leading people to already begin bringing empty shoe boxes into the house (you’ll see them stacked in the cubbies). If you happen to have an empty shoe box at home, bring it in! Our goal is to pack as many shoe boxes as we can. Lori Serpa is the point person! Have a great rest of the week — I look forward to seeing each of you on Sunday!!