Happy Valentine’s Day … trust you’ve been able to express your love to someone very special and that you’ve thanked God for His love!
I wanted to write this week about the HOUSE RENOVATION. You might be asking, “why renovate the house?” That’s a good question…so let me start with that. First, the house needs to be renovated because we need more space. There just isn’t enough room to hold and conduct classes/events like we’d like to be able to do. Second, the house does have termite damage (those little critters have bored some very interesting tunnels). Third, we’re not compliable with features that would enable people with disabilities to get into and out of the house effectively. Fourth, we don’t have enough bathrooms in the house. Fifth, what serves as our kitchen is ok but just barely. The ladies who work each Sunday need more space. Sixth, the building is not looking all that great from a street view. We need to realize that we’re in metropolitan San Jose and people do drive by and make observations on what they see.
Dennis Wilkison has served as our point person on this project and has done a fantastic job. You’ve seen the ideas that the architect has come up with so that our worship center and house will look like they go together. You’ve seen the ideas that the landscape architect has come up with that truly transforms our appearance not only from a street view but also from an interior view looking outside. There are more engineers that will be needed as we go forward, and Dennis will be able to list those out for you very soon.
The main thing that each of us can do is PRAY. This renovation is going to cost something that only God can supply. That’s what makes me most excited because God will supply all we need to do the project correctly. The result is that God will receive all the honor and glory! That’s probably the most important thing in all of this — that God receive the honor and glory. When that building is finished, it will be able to be used in a variety of ways that we cannot do now.
In the meantime, we have an appointment with the architect, civil engineer, and landscape engineer this next week, February 20, at 10 a.m. There are certain areas that we need to get together and discuss because it means change.
So, what can you do? First and foremost, pray! Pray that we will continue to do our very best in making sure what we present to the city of San Jose will pass the Planning Commission. Second, thank God for the right people already in place. Third, may we be given wisdom as we seek other engineers to join in this task. Fourth, may God give us a resolve not to get disappointed when things slow down a bit but, instead, to enjoy it knowing that God is revealing His way.
Love, Pastor Chuck