I’m grateful that BVC has very good core values. Beginning with this blog, I’m going to be covering one core value per week. It’s always good to reminded of what our core values are and how each one of us is responsible to implement them.
EVANGELISM: This is one core value which is distinct and unique to any church. Jesus called us in Matthew 28 to go and make disciples. The popular term is EVANGELISM. Because we know Jesus to be the way, the truth, and the life, we want others to come to know Him as well and share in the eternal life that God has waiting for all of us. Sharing the Gospel in our world today is far different than several years back. Most back then had some understanding of Biblical things…but not so much today. Each of us must be knowledgeable in what verses we should readily know. John 3:16, Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; Romans 10:9-10 form the basis in sharing the Gospel. But you can’t simply run up to people and start sharing. You have to earn the right to do that. It begins with prayer and praying for one specific person as I mentioned in last Sunday’s sermon. It continues through sharing your life … after all, you may be the only Bible some people ever read! Live what you know and begin to realize that the Lord has placed YOU in that person’s life for a reason. Don’t be bashful about speaking of spiritual things. Always keep in mind that God is at work and wants to use YOU in making a difference! Know I’m praying for you.
WHAT’S COMING UP AT BVC? We’ve got lots and lots of things coming up here at BVC. Perhaps you’ve already signed up and perhaps not, but it is not too late yet to do so for some of these things.
LOVE LIKE THAT: I received a call from them telling me that my items were being shipped. As of today, they have not arrived. I’ve set Wednesday, October 10, as a start date and am praying that everything will be here before then. If not, we’ll begin a week later. This class focuses on the 5 ways in which Jesus loved people. I think it’s well worth your attendance. There will be a small cost for the materials.
EXPERIENCING GOD: A great, great Bible study which really knocks the cobwebs out! This is a 13-week study but it does tend to run a few weeks longer to the discussion which ensues. So, I’ve marked out October through March but probably, we won’t go that long. I’ve also heard from the company shipping the materials and they’re supposed to be here on September 28. So, it appears we’re all set for starting Thursday, October 4. There will be a small cost for the workbooks.
2ND HARVEST FOOD BANK: It’s always a joy to work alongside other groups in our community. We’re returning to the 2nd Harvest Food Bank on Wednesday, October 3, from 6-8 p.m. at 4001 N. First Street. The people at 2nd Harvest are excellent at making sure we end promptly. We have 10 spaces available this time … hope you can come and join us!!
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: Lori Serpa does such an outstanding job each year in being the point person for this event. She will have boxes available beginning this Sunday, September 30. You can pack as many boxes as you’d like but each box we pack makes a huge difference in the life of a child. Be on the look out for such things as pencils, pens, washcloths, paper, toys, stuffed animals!! The Dollar Store is a great place to pick up items (including additional boxes should you need them).
COMMUNITY FAMILY FESTIVAL: Wednesday, October 31, from 5-8 p.m. A great way to make friends with people in our neighborhood! We’ll have a skateboard “park” again this year; photo booth; trunk or treat vehicles, bounce houses and much, much more! Santino and Eloisa Fortes are the point people for this event and we can use all the help we can get!
Lots going on here at BVC and I’m already excited! Hope you are as
well! Looking forward to seeing you this Sunday — it’s the 5th Sunday
of the month which means we’ll be singing some grand classics
musically. Come early and be prepared to sing!!
Pastor Chuck