This week’s topic is EVANGELISM. I don’t know one believer who doesn’t believe in evangelism. Every believer strongly believes every person should be saved and has probably memorized John 3:16; Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; and Romans 10:9-10. Memorization is a very good thing because you never know where God could place you to give you the opportunity to share it.
The problem happens when we think about doing evangelism — we get dry mouthed, nervous, and forgetful. That’s because we’re attempting to do evangelism in our own strength and ability. We forget, sometimes, that God is the one who does the drawing of people to Himself.
But how are we involved? What part do we play?
First, I believe we’re the salt and light in our society. That means we have a cleansing and lighting effect wherever we go. It’s reflected in our words, our actions, and our deeds. People notice the difference.
Second, I believe we’re called upon to submit ourselves of our own free will to God’s use. We don’t submit because we’re forced to, but because we want to. We want to please God and make His heart happy.
Third, I believe we’re called upon to walk in the light as He is in the light. That means we’re praying and becoming aware of those divine appointments that come up and present themselves to us. We’re prepared because we have asked for wisdom and sensitivity.
Fourth, I believe we’re called upon to invite people. It could be to a special event. It could be to a service. It could be to a “fun” night. But how are others to ever know unless someone does the inviting?
So, let me encourage you to begin inviting people. Take that step of faith and simply invite people to come and hear. Then leave the rest up to God!
Saturday, August 25: The RUMMAGE SALE begins at 7 a.m. All proceeds will go towards the renovation of the house. The only stipulation is that if you bring something to BVC to sell and it doesn’t, you must take it away. No storing in the Blue Room please as that’s being used by CHILDREN’S CHURCH.
Sundays: CHILDREN’S CHURCH. There is a very good core team of teachers (Janice Austin, Eloisa Fortes, Myrna Macapagal, Beth Torrillo, Jean Chen, Jenn Chiaramonte, and Les Cubero) who teach on a rotation basis each Sunday. Please pray for them as they prepare and then teach God’s Word! Thanks!!
Wednesdays: DISCIPLESHIP CLASS. This class is currently through week 6 of a 10-week series. It meets on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m.
Thursdays: MISSIONS LIFE GROUP. This class meets at 7 p.m. at the home of Ken & Celina Carey and is taught by Dennis Wilkison.
EXPERIENCING GOD: This Bible Study will begin on Thursday, October 4, at 7 p.m. If you’re interested in attending this class, please let me know. Workbooks will need to be ordered. This is going to be a fantastic class and I hope you’ll participate!!
COMMUNITY FAMILY FESTIVAL: Is coming up on October 31, from 5-8 p.m.
LOVE LIKE THAT: Is tentatively scheduled to begin in mid-September. More information will be forthcoming!!
Have a great rest of the week — I’m looking forward to seeing each of you this Sunday!
Pastor Chuck