Many of you are aware that BVC exists to “extend the hope of Jesus Christ to San Jose and beyond.” This is done in three specific ways: through loving, through caring, and through serving. Jesus aptly demonstrated those three ways as He interacted with people who were in all sorts of dilemmas, predicaments, questions, and life. Each time He interacted with them, He pointed them to God!
On October 31, 2017, we held our “Community Family Festival.” By some counts we had over 400 people (probably more) who dropped by our campus to engaged in the jump houses, the skate park, the trunk or treat stations, or the photo booth (plus a whole lot more). I hope that those people came away with a sense that we had directed them to God. Many thanks to each person who gave of their time, talent, and treasure to make the evening so worthwhile!
Coming up on Sunday, November 19, will be a time of witnessing BAPTISMS!! The baptisms will be happening towards the beginning of the service that day and you don’t want to miss them. You’ll get to hear stories of salvation and how Jesus found these people! So, come early and grab a seat down front. It’s going to be a great, great day. And if you’d like to be baptized that day, please get in contact with me!
We’re getting very close to decorating the church for the Christmas holidays. That will take place beginning at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, November 25. We need help stringing lights, decorating trees, and a whole host of other things! Plan on coming and joining in the fun!!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day on November 23. May you be able to be
with family and friends and pause to reflect on the many blessings God
has bestowed upon you. We’re a very blessed people. See you this
coming Sunday!!
Pastor Chuck