Author: admin

Changing Weather

Hi BVC’ers! While I’m writing this article today it has been raining.  As I put the finishing touches on it, the sun is out!  Kind of a weird, wacky weather day!!  I trust that everyone reading this is staying warm and dry (because it has been cold here)!  Janice took some time to take Anakin…Read more


Hi BVC’ers! “The Purpose of BVC is to extend the Hope of Jesus Christ to San Jose and beyond through loving, through caring, and through serving.”  May each of us find ways to do those three things in 2020.  As we extend the hope of Jesus, may each of us think of ourselves as a…Read more


Hi BVC’ers! I trust that each one of you reading this had a blessed and very MERRY CHRISTMAS yesterday!  We began our morning with remembering the birth of Jesus and several took turns reading from the Bible.  We then enjoyed ourselves by opening our presents and reflecting on how many blessings each of us has…Read more


Hi BVC’ers! They say it’s the most wonderful part of the year! Time with family. Good food. Memories made. What’s on tap for you during this Christmas season? What special plans have you been thinking about and yearning to participate in? In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he writes that in the fullness of time…Read more