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Hi BVC’ers! I was speaking with a group of grade school students the other day and mentioned that each of them must have some knowledge of what their parents expect of them. Some responded by narrowing down whatever list they were thinking into a couple of statements but trying to get me to believe that their respective parents really didn’t have that much of a list.

I said how convenient that their parents did not have that exhaustive a list because God has been able to narrow His list down to 10 — and they’re found in Exodus 20. The Psalmist wrote (Psalm 119:10) with my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments! God’s made it very easy for each of us to follow because His commandments are not burdensome nor excessive. And if we do them correctly, we’ll have a right relationship with God, with ourselves, and with each other. In fact, we’ll be better off all the way around.

And isn’t that the way God designed it in the first place? He wants us to be better off. He wants us to be able to enjoy life in all its fullness because He desires us to have the best relationship with Himself! And that’s one of our goals at BVC: to see every believer come into a glorious relationship with God that enables them to live life fully and completely.

Have you given any thought to hosting a new LifeGroup/Bible Study?

Have you given any thought to perhaps leading a new LifeGroup/Bible Study?

Have you given any thought to participating in a new LifeGroup/Bible Study?

Presently we’re looking to begin some new LifeGroups/Bible Studies after Labor Day in September. If you’re someone who would like to host a group or lead a group or just participate in a group, would you let me know? Simply e-mail me at pastorchuck@bvchurch.com — and I’ll get in touch with you!

In the meantime, don’t forget about the following:
WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY at 7 p.m. Meets in the house.
THURSDAY MISSIONS LIFEGROUP at 7 p.m. Meets in the house.
FRIDAY 412 GROUPS at 7 p.m. Meets in the house.

Have a great rest of the week and I’ll see you on Sunday as we look at Titus 2:1-2 with a message focused on OLDER MEN. How can they make the church TRIUMPHANT? Come and find out!
Love, Pastor Chuck
