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Hi BVC’ers!

86,400 — that’s how much is deposited into your account each and every day. 86,400!! That’s a lot and yet each you get another 86,400. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, it’s 86,400 seconds (that’s how many seconds are in a whole day). And it’s God who deposits those seconds for you to use. I’m constantly remembering that “this is the day which the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” By remembering that verse it makes me look at each new day as a gift from the Lord and I always find that I have something to rejoice about: it might be an answer to prayer; it might be hearing that someone has trusted Christ; it might be that someone has triumphed over a roadblock that had been hampering them.

How ’bout you? Do you start each new day recalling that it is God who has made it? Do you look for the things of the Lord and then rejoice over them? It’s so easy to get caught up in all the “noise” of the world that you miss the peace of the Lord! Don’t let that happen to you — rejoice in each new day and look for the workings of the Lord in your life!

FATHER’S DAY is right around the corner … and we’ll be celebrating with our traditional FATHER’S DAY LUNCH after church. If you haven’t been here for one of these events — you need to stick around!!

4th of JULY is coming soon after Father’s Day. This year we’re going to be celebrating with a good, old-fashioned BBQ on Sunday, July 3rd! Your board met last night and we want you to come to church dressed for a BBQ. We’ll have all kinds of things to do — from having watermelon slices to three-legged races to water balloon tosses to having some great food — you won’t want to miss it. Immediately after church on July 3rd, we’ll be dismissed for a great day so don’t miss it!!

This coming Sunday, the CHURCH TRIUMPHANT series continues as we look at “Younger Women.” Have a great rest of this week and I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!!
Love, Pastor Chuck
