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Hi BVC’ers!!

This is the last installment on the CORE VALUES of Berryessa Valley Church: WORSHIP. All throughout Scripture are examples of men and women (and whole communities at times) who bowed their heads, their knees, and their hearts in acknowledging just who God is. He’s the God who created the heavens and the earth. He’s the God who doesn’t want our hearts troubled. He’s the God who desires each of us to come to Him and talk (pray). He’s the God who has made promises to us including the greatest promise: eternal life. He’s the God who cannot lie to us and who seeks after each of us in a love relationship.

When we come together to worship we sing His praises. We sing about His attributes. We worship the One who is greater, superior, majestic, and glorious. We worship the One who is holy. When we do that, we’re never the same. It’s our prayer that when we worship we continually fall in love with God over and over and over again.

He’s the One who lifts our spirits. He’s the One who lets us know that He’s got each and every situation under control. He’s the One who places a bounce in our step and gives us the assurance that He never leaves us nor forsakes us. Ponder those attributes even a little and you’re overcome with a need to worship. Don’t miss your opportunity to worship as often as you can!

MARY LARSEN: will be here on Saturday, November 3. You’ve heard all about this “feast” we’ll be having. Dennis Wilkison has been the point person for this event. Plan to gather around 6 p.m. Mary will be speaking in the service on Sunday, November 4. You don’t want to miss having a chance to get to know her better. Soon she’ll be returning to the Philippines, Cambodia, and Thailand where her ministry is primarily located.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD PACKING PARTY: is Sunday, November 11, following the morning worship service. Lori Serpa is the point person for this and has done an outstanding job in getting us all organized and ready to pack some 500 boxes. If you’ve never participated in a packing party before, don’t miss this opportunity!!

MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY: Our nursery ministry needs three (3) volunteers. Serving in the nursery involves a once-a-month rotation basis. Each person must be background checked. Questions? Please see Lori Serpa, Nursery Coordinator.

BABY SHOWER: is Sunday, November 18, following the morning worship service. This shower is for Jerett and Annette Olson’s baby boy.

CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS: Are scheduled to be put up on Saturday, November 24, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Lights need to be strung and trees need to be decorated. This is always a great time of fellowship and fun! If you can come for the whole time or just part of the time, please know you’re help is needed!!

AFTER THANKSGIVING FEAST: will occur after the morning service on Sunday, November 25. This is a great time to gather with the BVC Family and thank the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness!!

LOVE LIKE THAT; EXPERIENCING GOD; AMBASSADOR CLASSES: Schedules might change during the holidays … check with your specific class for any changes.

HULA MINISTRY: will be participating in our worship service this Sunday, November 4. They’ve been asked to participate in other church’s services as well…way to go!! Congrats to Stella Begonia (point person for this ministry) and all the Hula Dancers!! We’re proud of you!!

Have a great rest of the week…I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!!
Love, Pastor Chuck
