Hi BVC’ers!!
There’s an old song which contains these lyrics in the very first verse: what a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear, what a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer. O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.
1 Thessalonians 5:17 encourages us to “pray without ceasing.” Yet, sadly, prayer is one of the things we often do last (instead of first). I would imagine that if everyone spent quality time in prayer each day, we’d notice a significant difference in our attitude and our thought life.
It would be great if life didn’t have its ups and downs…its turbulence. But it does…and it is what we do during those times of upheaval, those times of disappointment, those times of heartache that says a lot about us as well as our walk with the Lord.
August is “Call to Prayer” month here at BVC. Each Sunday during August we’re going to set aside some specific time to do one specific thing: pray for the House Renovation. Seems we have encountered a big snag in the process — we had thought we’d go before the Planning Commission in July. Now it’s been pushed to September. If we don’t go before the Building Commission before December 31, 2019, we face more obstacles, more red tape, and the spending of more money. We hadn’t planned on being pushed to September at all.
What’s our response? Pray. I’m wanting everyone who calls BVC their church home to pray as one that the paperwork process would be sped up in such a way that only God could have done it. In that way, we’ll be able to glorify God and give Him the credit. God knows what is going on here…and God knows exactly what we need. I view this snag as an opportunity to trust God and see Him work! Won’t you please pray with us?
May our time of praying together yield great results!! Looking forward to seeing each of you on Sunday!!
Pastor Chuck