Hi BVC’ers!
St. Francis of Assisi wrote “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.
It’s easy to understand and comprehend the word INSTRUMENT. People play the piano, the guitar, the drums — that’s an instrument. In the right hands, it can sound brilliant and clear.
Doctors use instruments in order to perform surgical tasks. In various TV shows and movies, they’re always asking for a clamp, a scalpel, suction, etc. Used properly, those instruments can save lives. You need the right training to know exactly when you should call for this instrument or that instrument.
Many years ago, when I was in high school, I was given a poster which contained the words of St. Francis of Assisi. I had it framed and it has hung in every office at every church I’ve pastored. Presently it hangs in my “office” at home. I look up at it often and pray to the Lord that I will be the right instrument for Him to use in any situation or circumstance.
Am I an instrument of His peace? Or do I cause people to get agitated or irritated whenever I’m around?
Do I sow love wherever I go? Or do I cause hatred to spring up?
Do I extend pardon to people as I would expect them to display pardon to me?
Do I live a life of faith? Or do I give in to doubt, worry, and fear?
Do I show forth hope? Or am I drowning in despair?
Do I show forth the light of the gospel and live for Jesus? Am I being effective?
Do I radiate joy?
I am so glad that that poster hangs just over my desk. It’s easy to see and easy to go before the Lord and ask Him to make me the right INSTRUMENT for His use! I trust that each of you reading this make that your prayer too!
HOUSE RENOVATION: There may be some movement in this area with PGE. An employee at PGE has asked for our case number in the hopes that he can speed the process up! Continue to pray!!
1 AND 2 PETER: will begin on Wednesday, September 21, at 7 p.m. over ZOOM. If you’re interested in joining this study, please let us know. You’ll also need to order your book (it’s the one by Dr. David Jeremiah).
WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY is taking a short break….and it’s going to be MOVING to Thursday nights starting September 8. For more information, see Santno Fortes.
USHERING/GREETING MINISTRY: I trust you’ve been welcomed by those who have joined this ministry. They’re at the front door to welcome you to BVC each Sunday and they’re the ones collecting the offering. Be sure to thank them for their ministry!! If you’d like to become part of this ministry, please touch base with me.
WOMEN’S LIFEGROUP: will be studying the book of ACTS. They’re also beginning anew on Saturday, September 17, at 10:30 a.m. If you’d like to become part of this ministry, please touch base with Janice Austin.
COMMUNITY FAMILY FESTIVAL returns on Monday, October 31. More details to follow but this is exciting news as we haven’t been able to hold this since the pandemic first arrived.
PROMOTION SUNDAY: this Sunday, August 21. All our kids will be moved up to their next grade.
HULA MINISTRY: will be participating in this Sunday’s service!!
Have a great rest of the week — looking forward to seeing each of you on Sunday!!
Much Love,
Pastor Chuck