It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The incarnation of Jesus — everything else happens because of it. The incarnation of Jesus — God becoming man and dwelling amongst us. The incarnation of Jesus — setting the record straight: “You have heard that it was said but I say unto you…” The incarnation of Jesus — the very first Christmas gift. Our lives have never been the same since. So this Christmas season, focus on the incarnation and realize all you have because of what God gave!
Coming up: CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE at 7:30 p.m. December 24. This is going to be a glorious and uplifting service. You simply won’t want to miss it!
Coming up: 2ND HARVEST FOOD BANK. January 6, 2016 — we still have space available. If you’d like to participate in this event, please write SECOND on your registration card from now until January 3.
Coming up: 2016 ANNUAL MEETING. We’ll look a little at 2015 but our focus will be on where we believe God is leading us in 2016. Lots of exciting things to share with you including some new classes and some other things. Soon you’ll be receiving your slate of officers as well as the 2016 Faith Budget. Once you receive these items, please spend time praying over your decision.
Coming up: WOMEN’S RETREAT. Your fees are due by December 31. If you have a need for a scholarship, please see either Verle Ramirez or myself. This retreat will take place in beautiful Monterey, California.
Coming up: MEN’S RETREAT. March 4-6 at beautiful Mt. Hermon. Save those dates.
This is the most wonderful time of the year — find a nice secluded space — get your Bible — and read about the incarnation of Jesus. Then think about all that came about because of that night! Dwell for a moment upon Joseph and Mary. Dwell for a moment upon the shepherds. Dwell for a moment upon the Wise Men.
I’m looking forward to seeing each of you on Sunday.
Love, Pastor Chuck