This past winter, whenever it would rain, I’d always be looking about to see if I could see a rainbow. One day, after a rain, the rainbow was the most vibrant that I had ever seen. If a rainbow could be perfect, this one was it! My mind drifted back to what was written about in the book of Genesis. The rainbow was God’s promise He would never again flood the earth.
It’s a pretty important matter when you make a promise. Brides and grooms make promises on their wedding day. Moms and Dads make promises when they dedicate their newborn baby to the Lord. Ecclesiastes has always pointed out that when you make a promise, you are duty bound to honor it.
When God makes a promise, it is far different than when you or I make a promise. God, who cannot lie, makes good on every single one of His promises. This summer I’m pleased to present ten sermons based on “The Promises of God.” These promises never get old or used up or returned because they were defective. These promises showcase God’s love and care for each one of us. This will be our sermon series for the summer months and I trust that you’ll gain great insight about God and His personality/care during these messages!
Coming Up:
ORDINATION SUNDAY is June 24, at 10:30 a.m. Berryessa Valley Church has
the privilege of ordaining Mr. Jerett Olson to the Gospel Ministry. I
trust that you’ll make every effort to be here (and bring someone with
you). An event like this does not happen often.
2ND HARVEST FOOD BANK is June 27, from 6-8 p.m. 2nd Harvest is located at 4001 N. First Street in San Jose. Just meet everyone there (and keep in mind that after 6:20 p.m., the doors are locked and no one else will be allowed entrance).
Looking forward to seeing everyone at our Annual Father’s Day Luau this Sunday, June 17! You don’t want to miss it!!
Pastor Chuck