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Hi BVC’ers!

I hope you’ve been enjoying the new sermon series, “Ordinary People.” So far, we’ve focused on Moses and Jonah who have proven to be quite interesting guys. This coming Sunday, we’ll again be in the Old Testament to look at a man named Uzziah. These people are just like you and me … each faced with a decision on whether to follow God wholeheartedly or not. Sometimes they succeed and sometimes they fail miserably. But they’re not super-saints by any stretch of the imagination. They’re simply people learning how to walk with God on a day-to-day basis. We each face the same stresses on doing that. There are times when it is easy to follow God (or so it seems) and then other times when it’s just downright hard. It’s those hard times which really tell us where we stand and how steadfast our faith is. When I pray for each of you, I often call upon the Lord to enable you to “walk in a manner worthy.” I hope you know that there are often bumps and potholes along the road in life and that if you fall, you get back up, ask for forgiveness, and move on. God knows and He understands that we’re not perfect human beings. We’re just ordinary people, saved by grace!!

RUMMAGE SALE: Coming up in September. Please bring all your donated items to the church.

Wednesday, October 4: NEW MEMBER CLASS. If you’re interested in joining BVC, this class is a must. It’s a one-week class which begins at 7 p.m. It will be held in the house. Please let me know that you’re planning to attend so I can have enough materials!

October 11-December 13: DISCIPLESHIP CLASS. This is a 10-week class taught/led by myself and Jerett Olson. This class is the natural follow-up class to Fundamentals of the Faith. If you’ve taken F of F, then I’d like to encourage you to take this class next. It will meet on Wednesday evenings starting at 7 p.m. and ending around 8:30 p.m.

October 31: COMMUNITY FAMILY FESTIVAL. We need cars for our “Trunk or Treat”! Would you be interested? Let me know!! We have all sorts of openings covering every conceivable station: picture-taking; promotion and advertisement; candy collection as well as many more. Let me know of your interest!

BVC exists to “extend the hope of Jesus Christ to San Jose and beyond through loving, caring, and serving” and it’s a joy to be in ministry with each of you!!

Love, Pastor Chuck
