The past couple of days have been very emotional for me. I stood on the tarmac at New River Marine Base (Jacksonville, North Carolina) waiting for my son to return from his deployment. While I waited, I thought back over all the memories that included Ben: his birth, taking him places like Disneyland, presidential museums, Candlestick Park, historic missions in California, Williamsburg, Camden Yards…I also thought of soccer games and baseball games (remind me again just how I became the coach??!!)…seeing his son born in 2010…and many, many more. I have rejoiced in his triumphs and victories and I have suffered with him when things have not gone well. When I saw him step foot off the Marine helicopter, I swelled with pride and cried. He was home safe and sound. And what more could a father ask for?
It made me think of our Heavenly Father. He knows all about our victories and triumphs as well as those times when life just wasn’t fair. He swells with pride with He sees us and loves when we spend time with Him. God cries with us through our hurts and yearns for the day when we’re home safe and sound. God expresses the desire that we’ll grow still and listen for His voice and likes it when we call (through prayer). He desires to have fellowship with us no matter if it is for just a few minutes through the day yet He’s always close at hand.
Happy are the people whose God is the Lord!
This coming Sunday, May 8, is MOTHER’S DAY! And the men of BVC have got a fantastic after-service time planned for all Moms (prospective Moms too)! So stay after the service for a special, special time!!
Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday!!
Pastor Chuck