Have you ever stopped and thought about how many responsibilities you perform in any given day or week? I bet if we stopped and wrote them all down, we’d be amazed by their sheer volume. Of those responsibilities that you do, how many would you rate as being GREAT? How many would you rate as “SO-SO”? How many would you rate as being LESS THAN DESIREABLE? I think we’d each be surprised at what falls in some of those categories! But here we are in a brand new year — so perhaps we should try something new!! Colossians 3:17 says And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. This should be the year that we do everything for Jesus — from paying bills to worship to mowing the lawn to serving in our church/community. If we looked at our responsibilities that way and knew we were doing them for Jesus, we’d have a lot more joy! Just something to think about….
What a blast we had last night at 2ND HARVEST FOOD BANK! We had our biggest group ever attend and tackle those bins of carrots. I heard that we moved over 12,000 pounds (I think I’m now really tired. Ha Ha Ha!!). Many thanks to those of you who came out and helped our community — it was absolute fun being with each of you!!
Our 2016 ANNUAL MEETING is coming up on Sunday, January 17. Each active member of BVC should have received their list of officers as well as the Faith Budget for 2016. If you didn’t, please let me know and we’ll get a copy to you. Our Annual Meeting focuses a bit on the past (2015) and looks forward with great eagerness to what God wishes to do with us in 2016! I hope you’ll plan to stay and participate!!
WOMEN’S RETREAT is fast approaching! If you’re one of these scheduled to attend, please bring your retreat money this coming Sunday, January 10. MEN’S RETREAT money is due in February.
This coming Sunday I’ll be speaking from Colossians 3:18 where the topic will be wives. What does the Bible have to say about wives? Not only will we be looking at Colossians 3, but we’ll also spend some needed time in Genesis, Ephesians, and 1 Peter! Come this Sunday and find encouragement!!
Have a great rest of the week — I’m looking forward to worshipping with each of you on Sunday!
Love, Pastor Chuck