This Sunday’s message is entitled, “INTERCONNECTEDNESS.” You do not want to miss this message as it relates to each one of us. The Hula Ministry will also be dancing for the Lord’s glory as well.
There’s nothing like being in Koinonia with the Lord as well as with one another. I trust that you are each deepening your love relationship with Him each and every day. Don’t forget to state 3 things each day: I love you Lord; I trust you Lord; I’m your minister Lord. May you sense a pull on your life by the Lord to be the best minister you can be!
MEN’S RETREAT: February 8 is the deadline for registering for this great weekend. If you’re planning to attend, please let me know ASAP!
COMMUNITY FAMILY FESTIVAL: This is an FYI — but our next CFF will be Saturday, April 20. More details will be coming!
EASTER SUNDAY: April 21. No better time than the present to begin praying about someone you can invite to come to BVC with you! We’ll be having our Annual Easter Egg Hunt too! More details will be coming!
FUNDAMENTALS OF THE FAITH: Every person should attend this class. It will be offered just once in 2019. We’ve made tentative plans to begin in March…but we need to know how many workbooks to order. If you’re planning to attend this very important class, please let me know.
Have a great rest of the week and I look forward to seeing YOU on Sunday!
Pastor Chuck