It’s a joy to write to you each week and I trust you find these blogs interesting as well as informative. As you know, I’ve been covering the core values of BVC and this is our third week of doing so. The core value I want to discuss is FELLOWSHIP. Fellowship is derived from the Greek word, koinonia. Fellowship happens as a direct result of Jesus’ promise that wherever 2 or 3 are gathered together, there He is in the midst. Fellowship is the chance we have to be together and share life together…and it’s Jesus who provides the “glue” and makes our relationships that much better. Fellowship happens at BVC whenever we gather for worship, for eating, for celebrating, for Bible study…for whatever reason believers gather. Not only can believers tell something is different, but so can guests and others who attend our functions. They’ll note the “fruit of the spirit” in evidence … all because Jesus is in our midst. Can you even begin to comprehend church without fellowship? Neither can I!
- LOVE LIKE THAT debuts on Sunday, October 14. We’ll be looking at 5 ways in which Jesus loved people. This coming Sunday we’ll take a look at MINDFUL and what that means to you and me. I hope you’ll make it a point to be here for all 5 Sundays!!
- LOVE LIKE THAT Bible Study will begin on Wednesday, October 17 at 7 p.m. There are still spaces available.
- EXPERIENCING GOD got started on October 4. Tonight at 7 p.m. we’ll be looking at Unit 1: God’s Will and Your Life.
- AMBASSADOR class is all set to begin on Saturday, October 20. Please see Jerett Olson for more information and materials.
- COMMUNITY FAMILY FESTIVAL will be held on Wednesday, October 31 from 5-8 p.m. A perfect time to invite friends, family, neighborhood friends, work friends to stop by and enjoy this great event! We still need people to sign up for “Trunk or Treat” and we can always use more candy. Please see Santino and Eloisa Fortes for more information or to let them know you’re available to help and minister to the community!
- OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD is in full swing. You should have picked up your boxes from Lori Serpa (our most excellent point person). There are already 16 packed boxes in the house (on our way to our goal of 500 total boxes). November 18 will be the packing party … and you don’t want to miss it!! Children from all over the world are the recipients of these boxes which truly minister to their hearts.
- MARY LARSEN will be here November 2-3-4. November 3 at 6 p.m. will be a great dinner (I’ve heard a “Thanksgiving-type” dinner with all the trimmings!!). Mary will be here to interact with us and answer any questions (possibly helping us make plans to go to the Philippines in 2019 on a Missions Trip!!).
Have a great rest of week … and I look forward to seeing each of you on Sunday!!
Pastor Chuck