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Hi BVC’ers!

This past Wednesday night I taught on the truths from Psalm 37. This is a great Psalm because it allows us to see just how much God cares for us and protects us from the evils of this world. Sometimes we find ourselves looking at certain things and imagining to ourselves that if we just had this or that, then we’d be happy. Truth of the matter is that contentment and happiness are derived from knowing God intimately. Psalm 37 informs us to delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. All too often we forget that the part which is conditional is us abiding in God. When we’re doing that, then our desires will coincide with what God’s desires are and then we’ll see those things more clearly. You have to make a point to meet with God daily…of talking with Him…of realizing anew that He enjoys taking care of our every need. We invite issues when we go outside of that boundary and think we can do a better job ourselves.

COMMUNITY FAMILY FESTIVAL: Saturday, April 15, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. We’ll have a whole host of things for families to do including our famous Easter Egg Hunt around 1 p.m. This is a great event to invite your friends and neighbors, co-workers, and family members to attend. Believe me, there’ll be something for everyone!!

EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE: Sunday, April 16, at 10:30 a.m. Don’t miss celebrating the resurrection of Jesus on Easter! Then plan on staying for our famous EASTER POT LUCK as well as the Easter Egg Hunt. A great day with great people!!

PROGRESS: Many of you know that one of our light poles was blown down in the recent wind storm. We’ve been working with a lighting company and our insurance carrier to resolve everything. We got a shock when our light pole was stolen! So the process has taken a little longer than we originally anticipated. Thanks for your patience!

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: The month of April is “Stuffed Animal Month.” You’ll find a box in the lobby where you can place the stuffed animals. For more information, please see Lori Serpa.

Have a great rest of the week — see you all on Sunday!!
Love, Pastor Chuck
