In case you haven’t noticed, spiritual warfare is all around us these days. I look at all the agitation in the world, all the stress and confusion in the world, and all the unrest in the world and I say to myself, “There’s spiritual warfare happening.” God is not the author of confusion. Nor is God the originator of unrest or anxiety. In fact, God is the author of peace. Satan, on the other hand, well he’s busy stirring things up to the point that it seems like a tidal wave rolling over everybody. Sometimes you just want to scream out loud. Or at least ask that all this stuff end. Unfortunately, that’s probably not going to happen.
So what can you do amidst all of this? I think the most important part is to have a clear focus. God is not sleeping nor has He gone away on vacation. So talk to Him. Make it a point to do so every day. Pour out your concerns, your frustrations, your worry and allow His peace to surround your heart and mind.
Then you may be asking, “what exactly should my Bible be saying as I live from day to day?” Good question. And to that end I’ll be conducting a two-week class on “Evangelism Training” on Sundays March 19 and March 26 at 9 a.m. If you’d be interested in taking this class, please either respond to this article or write ET on your registration card starting this Sunday.
COMING UP AT BVC: ALL CHURCH MEETING on February 26 following the morning worship service. We’ll be having lunch together and the meeting will follow that. So come prepared to worship, then fellowship, then meet! I’m already praying that this will be an excellent day!!
MARCH 10-12: MEN’S RETREAT. Because of all the rain and road closures, all men may want to take an alternate route to Mt. Hermon (perhaps going down to Watsonville and up on that side). We do have space available — if you’re interested in attending, please see Jerett Olson.
MARCH 19, 26: EVANGELISM TRAINING. In order to have the correct amount of materials, please register! Thanks!!
We’re nearing the mid-point in our WALKING IN A MANNER WORTHY on Sunday
mornings. This Sunday we’ll be looking at Ephesians 3:1-13. I’m
looking forward to seeing each of you this Sunday!!
Pastor Chuck