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Hi BVC’ers!

Let the church be the church, let the people rejoice! For we’ve settled the question, we’ve made our choice. Let the anthems sing out, songs of victory swell…for the church triumphant is alive and well!

The above paragraph is our theme song for the series on Titus (which begins Sunday) helps us focus on God’s Church. What does a triumphant church look like? How does a triumphant church act? We’ll be looking intently at this small book for the truth that it contains. I’m trusting that this series will settle into each of our hearts and cause us to look to God more intently than ever before!

I trust that you’ll make it a point to be here on Sundays so that we all can learn together and sense how God wants to use us in the days ahead.

I look forward to seeing each of you on Sunday!!
Love, Pastor Chuck
