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Hi BVC’ers!

Luke 6:31 has been going around in my brain for the past couple of days. Jesus instructs us to “do unto others as you would have them do to you.” Lately I’ve heard of a great many instances where this has definitely not taken place and it simply grieves my heart. Doesn’t matter if it is a church or a school or with individuals or corporations…it still grieves my heart. I wonder sometimes just what must Jesus be thinking of us all? I received a phone call from a pastor-friend just pouring out his heart about the situation in his church. Luke 6:31 came to my mind. Then I heard from a teacher-friend of mine … same thing. Luke 6:31 came to my mind. Then I heard from another … same thing. Luke 6:31 came to my mind. For the past several months I’ve been preaching from the book of Colossians on STANDING TALL IN PERILOUS TIMES and the concluding sermon is set for this Sunday, February 28. If we ever heeded the truth of Luke 6:31, now’s the time to put it into action. If we ever wanted to make a difference in this world, now’s the time to put Luke 6:31 into action. We don’t have the luxury of thinking we’ve got all the time in the world nor the luxury of thinking somebody else will do it nor the luxury of waiting…today is the day to put Luke 6:31 into action. It’s time to start standing tall in living out the truths of Scripture for that’s the only way to make a difference in the lives of people for whom Jesus died. May our lives lived in accordance with His direction see people come into the Kingdom!!

MEN’S RETREAT! March 4-6 at beautiful Mt. Hermon. So far we’ve got 12 men signed up to go but it’s never too late to decide to come! If you need more information (or a scholarship), please see me, Raud de Silva, or Jerett Olson!

FINGERPRINTING will take place on Saturday, March 19, from 9:30-Noon. If you are presently working with children or serving in our nursery, please make a point to come to the church on that Saturday!

COMMUNITY FAMILY FESTIVAL will take place on Saturday, March 26 from Noon-3 p.m. This is our chance to make an impact in our community for Jesus! If you’d like to participate, see Raud de Silva!

EASTER SUNDAY is March 27 — what a great day this is going to be as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus!! More news to come.

Have a great rest of the week and I look forward to seeing each of you on Sunday!

Love, Pastor Chuck
